2019 Convention and Graduation Schedule
Sunday, May 5th, 2019
Check-in: Strictly between 2 PM to 4 PM
Banquet Dinner: 5 PM to 7 PM
Opening Ceremony: 7 PM to 9 PM
We will start with live inspirational entertainment followed by opening ceremonies.
Monday, May 6th, 2019
Morning Session
08:00 AM: Check-in
09:45 AM: Welcome & Morning Invocation – Dr. Dick Caldwell, D.Min.
09:55 AM: Bobby Russell (Arizona) “Healing Drumming”
10:50 AM: 10-Minute Break
11:00 AM: Inspirational Entertainment – Sally Jo Bannow
11:10 AM: Rev. Steven Lane Taylor, B.Msc. (Arizona) “The Only Constant in Life”
11:30 AM: Dr. Karmen A. Smith, D.D. (Nevada) “The I AM Solution”
11:50 AM: Convention Updates/Announcements
12:00 PM: Lunch Break Afternoon Session
Afternoon Session
1:30 PM: Invocation
1:35 PM: Dr. Richard (Dick) Caldwell, D.Min. (Texas) “Guidance & Forgiveness”
1:55 PM: Rev. Kate Rodger, M.Msc. (California) “The Walk of a Modern Day Priestess”
2:15 PM: 10-Minute Break
2:25 PM: Inspirational Entertainment – Rusty Ferracane
2:35 PM: Dr. James Munro, Ph.D., (Arizona) “Metaphysics is the Permanent Solution to Substance Abuse”
2:55 PM: Dr. Victoria Brisco, Msc.D., PsyThD. (California) “Reversing Our Nation’s Spiritual & Psychological Decline”
3:15 PM: 10-Minute Break
3:25 PM: (Music)
3:35 PM: Dr. Sakina G. Sawtelle, PsyPhD., Msc.D. (Virginia) “One Mind/One Law”
3:55 PM: Dr. Ante Jelicic, D.Phil. (Croatia) “Christ Consciousness/Love Power”
4:15 PM: Inspirational Entertainment – Mortonette
4:25 PM: Rev. Vyolet K. Wylde, B.Msc. (Arizona) “The Current State of Our Consciousness Evolution”
4:45 PM: To be Determined
5:05 PM: Convention Updates/Announcements
5:10 PM: Closing Invocation and Prayer – Dr. Dick Caldwell, D.Min.
Evening Session
7:10 PM: Meet & Greet – An opportunity to meet with other convention attendees and explore the vendor tables in the Cottonwood Room. Staff will not be in attendance.
Tuesday, May 7th, 2019
Morning Session
08:00 AM: Check-in
09:00 AM: Welcome & Morning Invocation – Dr. Dick Caldwell, D.Min.
09:10 AM: Dr. Michelle A. De La Rente, Ph.D. (Australia) “The Benefits of Teaching Metaphysics to Children and Youth”
09:30 AM: Dr. Regina Dekker, Msc.D. PsyTh.D. (Nevada) “Life Shifts – The Ultimate Catalyst for Positive Change”
09:50 AM: Break (Music)
10:10 AM: Dr. Bara Loveland, Ph.D. (Arizona) “Perception of God – MindMade”
10:30 AM: Dr. Josephine Sanders, D.D. (Georgia) “An Aramaic Perspective on Developing Peace Consciousness”
10:50 AM: 10-Minute Break
11:00 AM: (Music)
11:10 AM: Dr. Terry Trueblood, Ph.D. (Illinois) “Shifting Into Your God Self”
11:30 AM: Dr. Miriam Johnson (California) “Spiritual Law and the Ten Commandments”
11:50 AM: Convention Updates/Announcements
12:00 PM: Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
1:00 PM: Dwaine Briggs concert
1:30 PM: Invocation
1:35 PM: Rev. Danie Muniz, B.Msc. (California) “Astrological Healing with Self-Hypnosis”
1:55 PM: Rev. Jonnie Mae MiddletonLotte, M.Msc. (Missouri) “Eye Movement Desensitization Psychotherapy”
2:15 PM: 10-Minute Break
2:25 PM: (Music)
2:35 PM: Dr. Elena Michelle Skyhawk, Msc.D. (Oklahoma) “Spiritual Healing from a Native American Perspective”
2:55 PM: Rev. David Wasswa, M.Msc. (United Kingdom) “The Day I ‘Died’, Without Being Dead”
3:15 PM: 10-Minute Break
3:25 PM: Inspirational Entertainment – Dwain Briggs
3:35 PM: Dr. Nancy J. Williams-Oharume, Ph.D. (Georgia) “In Pursuit of Purpose”
3:55 PM: Dr. Janet Cederlund, Ph.D. (Illinois) “Animal-Assisted Therapy”
4:15 PM: Inspirational Entertainment – Mortonette
4:25 PM: Dr. Kimarie Machinga, Msc.D. (North Carolina) “Overcoming Self-Sabotage”
4:45 PM: Convention Updates/Announcements
4:50 PM: Closing Invocation and Prayer – Dr. Dick Caldwell, D.Min.
Evening Session
6:10 PM: Workshop – “Weddings – Obtaining, conducting and Arranging Them” Dr. Dick Caldwell
Wednesday, May 8, 2019
Exciting New Addition to the Convention: Yavapai Broadcasting’s KVNA-FM 100.one, Arizona’s Adult Alternative Radio will have their Remote Broadcast booth at Poco Diablo Resort. They will be conducting live interviews from Convention. There will also be a prize wheel and a scholarship raffle. Wednesday, May 8th, from 10 am to 1 pm
Morning Session
08:00 AM: Check-in
09:00 AM: Welcome & Morning Invocation – Dr. Dick Caldwell, D.Min.
09:10 AM: Dr. Manaswini Rath, Ph.D. (India) “Achieving Higher Consciousness through DNA Transformation”
09:30 AM: Dr. Robert Albert Knapick, Ph.D. (Texas) “Metaphysical Aspects of Animal Communication That Facilitates Psychological Restoration”
09:50 AM: Break (Music)
10:00 AM: Yavapai Broadcasting Remote Broadcast Booth until 1:00 pm.
10:10 AM: Nancy Ghislaine Nadeau (Texas) “Near-Death Experiences: Profound Psychosocial Events”
10:30 AM: Rev. Nicholas John Mazzoni, B.Msc. (Virginia) “Communicating Spiritual Principles in a Secular World”
10:50 AM: 10-Minute Break
11:00 AM: Inspirational Entertainment – Mortonette
11:10 AM: Dr. Damali Curry Edwards, Ph.D. (Tennessee) “Metaphysical Solutions for the American High School Dropout Epidemic”
11:30 AM: Rev. Patricia Anne Cone, B.Msc. (Arizona) “Leadership in the 21st Century Requires Soul”
11:50 AM: Convention Updates/Announcements
12:00 PM: Lunch Break
Afternoon Session
1:00 PM: Dwaine Briggs concert
1:30 PM: Invocation
1:35 PM: Rev. Dr. Lynda R. Exley, Ph.D. (Arizona) “Writing Your Thesis/Dissertation Can Change Your Life”
1:55 PM: Dr. David Furlong, Ph.D. (United Kingdom) “Healing Your Ancestral Patterns”
2:15 PM: 10-Minute Break
2:25 PM: (Music)
2:35 PM: Dr. Nancy J. Williams-Oharume, Ph.D. (Georgia) “In Pursuit of Purpose”
2:55 PM: Rev. Lyn Williams, B.Msc. (Arizona) “The Unexpected Journey: Out of the Shadows and Into the Light”
3:15 PM: 10-Minute Break
3:25 PM: Inspirational Entertainment – Mortonette
3:35 PM: Rev. Allison Victoria Olson, B.Msc., “The Secret Power of Love”
3:55 PM: Rev. Anita Caprice Powell, Msc.D. (Michigan) “ TAPN2U Living Life From the Inside Out”
4:15 PM: Inspirational Entertainment – Dwain Briggs
4:25 PM: John and Dr. Elizabeth Macintosh, Ph.D. (Australia) “How to Naturally be High on Life, Live to the Full – and Inspire All Those Around You”
4:45 PM: Convention Updates/Announcements
4:50 PM: Closing Invocation and Prayer – Dr. Dick Caldwell, D.Min.
Evening Session
6:10 PM: Workshop – “The Easy Way to Ace Your Thesis or Dissertation” Rev. Dr. Lynda R. Exley, Ph.D.
Thursday, May 9th, 2019
Morning Session
9:00 AM: Dress Rehearsal for Graduation Ceremony. All participating graduates are required to attend!
12:00 PM: Lunch Break (two hours)
Afternoon Session
2:00 PM – 3:30 PM: Formal Cap & Grown Graduation Ceremony
3:30 PM – 4:00 PM: Closing Ceremony
4:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Graduation Group Photographs
Schedule is subject to change without notice.
Arizona is in Mountain Standard Time (MST) GMT/UTC -7