Metaphysical Blogs
Please choose a specific spiritual resource category.
By clicking on a resource link below, you will be forwarded to it at the blog.
Improve Your Life – Daily Audio Blog
These messages are presented by Dr. Paul Leon Masters for daily inspiration.
Approximate Running Time 3 Minutes.
Weekly Video Inspirational Lectures Blog
Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ Inspirational Lectures. Practical, Mystical, and Spiritual Inspiration Applied to Your Life.
Approximate Running Time 40 Minutes.
Dr. Masters’ Weekly Mystical Insights Blog
Mystical Insights are presented by Dr. Paul Leon Masters, the International Metaphysical Ministry (IMM) Universities Founder, with an awareness that some things presented are in contradiction with many teachings that are generally accepted as being true in metaphysical or traditional spiritual teachings.
Weekly Newsletters
Visit our archived Newsletters.