Bara Loveland, B.Msc.
Bara – an online publisher (, researcher, and author – has received her Doctor of Philosophy, Ph.D., specializing in Mystical Research, from the University of Sedona. Her dissertation, Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned, relates to Mystical Research, specializing in the Origins of Sacred Symbols from the Ancient World. Her dissertation followed the completion of her master thesis on Perceptions of God – MindMade and awarding of her Master of Metaphysical Science, M.Msc., from the University of Metaphysics, where she has also earned her Bachelor of Metaphysical Science, B.Msc. In addition, she is an ordained metaphysical minister, having received her ordination and practitioner diploma from the International Metaphysical Ministry University Seminary (IMM).
Bara also holds a Doctor in Naturopathy (N.D.) from the Santa Fe Academy of Natural Healing (Waves of Life Energy; on the messages of Tesla-Kirlian images from original research) and received an Engineering Doctor (Dr.-Ing) from the University of Darmstadt (TH, TU), Germany. Her dissertation researched Symbole von Urerfahrung und ihre Wiederkehr im Bauen (Symbols of Primal Experience and Their Return in Building), which for the first time showed the connectedness of Architecture and In-depth Psychology in a dissertation. Her specialties are Color, Life-energy, and Symbols. Bara has studied at the Universities of Hamburg (philosophy, education, natural sciences), and Stuttgart (architecture, town planning, in-depth psychology, philosophy), and has worked as an assistant professor at the University of Darmstadt (architectural design, seminars, lectures). Bara lives near the Sedona area and highly enjoyed studying with the University of Sedona since the curriculum supports true science (which wants to know all there is to know) with topics that go beyond the limitations of the physical world.
Original Research If you have ever wondered what ancient symbols mean – be they native, Egyptian, or biblical – or what consciousness is and if God can be defined, then explore Bara’s website. There, you will find authentic information from original research of decades in illustrated eBooks and ePamphlets. You will find the merging of science and mysticism, of ancient wisdom and new leading-edge insights, even ahead of time.
eBooks Among the eBooks found on are those listed below, with new topics posted upon completion. For downloading/printing double sided on 8.5”x11” paper.
The above shown eBook titles and other eBooks are available at the Wisdom ShopTM of You may want to visit frequently for new titles on selfhelp, on the origins of sacred symbols, or topics based on the third kind of logic of which the Sacred is made, yet which common science has successfully dismissed from worldly schools.
Dr. Bara Loveland:
The eBook of Consciousness (with innovative definitions)
Your New Self/Help Kaleidoscope (naturally savvy)
Zeitalter des Gefühls (Era of Feeling; on a society without punishment)
Heaven and Earth Mother (The ancient personifications of our life energy)
The (W)Hole eBook on Mimbres Pots (The greatest secret on Earth as “hole in one”)
Perceptions of God – MindMade (The changing human need to personify God)
Phenomena of Mysticism – UnSermoned (Secrets of Holy Scriptures in plain view when known)
Antonia Hudson/art, Dr. Bara Loveland/text:
Adoration of the Madonna (Beautiful artwork, lullabies and interfaith recoveries on Bible Personalities)
John Bigelow Loveland, M.Msc. – Graduate of the University of Metaphysics, Sedona AZ
The Holy Land – War and Peace (On the only solution that will work and bring peace to the Holy Land). On Harvard Authors’ Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine, November 2016
Wheels of Wonders (On the ancient miracle sources we still have). On Harvard Authors’ Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine, May 2017
GMO or OMG (Want to eat? Need to read!). On Harvard Authors’ Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine, November 2017
A Chance for Peace – Social Sciences for Humanity (Techniques for peace within, in families, communities, countries, and between religions). On Harvard Authors’ Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine, May 2018
Galactic Origin of Human Genesis (Surpassing scientific views of the Big Bang, yet more and more confirmed by latest scientific findings). On Harvard Authors’ Bookshelf, Harvard Magazine, October 2018
For more information, please contact Bara Loveland at: