Dr. Linda M. McCarthy, Ph.D.
Linda M. McCarthy, Ph.D is a Metaphysical Counselor, Board Certified Life Strategies Coach, and Co-Author of the #1 Best Selling Book ‘The Wellness Code’. She is a member of the American Holistic Medical Association, American Metaphysical Doctors Association, the American Association of Drugless Practitioners and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Linda had personally witnessed the effects of toxic emotions on her family and friends. The outcomes ranged from procrastination, anger, chronic dis-ease to cancer, which has taken the lives of not only friends, but family as well. She began to study the relationship between the mind and physiology. Can your thought really contribute to your emotional as well as health issues? Yes they can!
Linda McCarthy, Ph. D works with clients to uncover the belief barriers that are holding them back. She provides her clients with the tools to help them change their perception, which in turn, changes their reality. She also teaches clients how to re-frame their thoughts, and feelings, to quickly improve their physical, emotional, and spiritual life.
Over 95% of our beliefs stem from our subconscious mind. When you understand how your negative beliefs are affecting your daily life, the process of change begins. Using positive affirmations, although helpful, may not be enough. A major shift in perception needs to occur before changes can happen. Beliefs not only affect our emotional life but have a profound effect on our physical health as well. There are three critical factors in healing and they are: What you eat, What you drink, and most importantly, what you THINK. If you are constantly in a state of stress and negativity, your body will respond accordingly.
Our beliefs affect our biology! Linda provides her clients with the necessary tools to not only lead them in a ‘ New Direction’ but to also stay on course.
She has offices in Scottsdale AZ, but also provides clients all over the country with phone consultations and is available Monday-Friday 9-5 p.m.
Visit: www.newdirectioncoaching.com