Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Bowman, Ph.D.

Rev. Dr. Jacqueline Bowman continues to provide support in healing on all levels; emotionally, physically, and spiritually. All sessions are in person and virtually within the Region of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. As one who has traveled the very bumpy road and found natural solutions in trust and healing with the guidance from Spirit, she can easily welcome those distressed in health, family, and unfamiliar energies. As we are all connected, Jacqueline feels that we have a responsibility to take great care of ourselves in order to be our best and better able serve others.
Jacqueline is an Ordained Metaphysical Minister and holds a B.Msc. and M.Msc. from the Univerisity of Metaphysics and a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Counseling from the University of Sedona. She is a Naturotherapist, Reiki Shihan, Live Cell Microscopist, and Subtle Influence Medicine Intuitive and Practitioner. She communicates with the self on multiple levels to assist individuals in invoking change to create the right energy and peace in all things.
Jacqueline has been published in the Energy Psychology Journal Vol. 13 No. 2 with her research on Reiki and its physical effect on our life force, the blood.
Occasionally, Jacqueline is sought out and finds joy in the opportunity to bring couples together, to join them legally in marriage within the Covenant of Love.
For more information, please contact Jacqueline at:
Phone: (647) 496-6775
Websites: –