Rev. Mika Leone-Pettit, M.Msc.

Mika Leone-Pettit is a Holistic Health and Metaphysical Practitioner and teacher. She holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics and is currently pursuing a doctoral degree at the University of Sedona in Transpersonal Counseling.
The creator of Amber Queen, Baltic Amber Wellness, she has over 22 years of experience in the field of wellness and alternative methods of healing with a license in Esthetics and certifications in Massage, Reiki Tummo, Aromatherapy, Meditation and Flower Essences. Mika also helped to open The Gateway Metaphysical shop in Los Angeles. She writes articles for Herbaria Newsletter and Plant Healers Magazine.

She is currently working on courses and books, compiling her diverse educational background. Mika combines her years of experience in a counseling practice, classes, and courses, and a product line that contains the knowledge and techniques she uses and helps others with over the years. Currently living in Mexico, Mika’s practice is focused on teaching, Spiritual Counseling, and her online communities that focus on health, wealth, and prosperity.
Here are some of the gifts & services that Mika offers:
Gift Offerings
*You can join the monthly Divine Healing by joining the newsletter @
*Ask Mika-Send in your metaphysical or spiritual question anonymously to be answered to help others with the same issue- email
*How To Heal Podcast found on Spotify, Breaker, GooglePodcast, Overcast, PocketCast, RadioPublic & CopyRSS
*Follow LifeAlchemy YouTube Channel for all gift offerings, including energies of the week, podcast, Ask Mika, and Meditations with Mika
Self Exploration:
Soul Contracts —What will a Soul Contract Do For You? We are all here to do something specific and unique to our blueprint. Soul Contracts can give you answers to the questions you have about yourself and others in relation to you while showing you your ideal path in life. It speeds up the work of self-development exponentially and gives you practical tools for daily living.
Name Optimization —Change or adjust your name to enhance your potential outcomes in life. Want to shift your vibration faster? Consider having a name optimization. *Note- If you are interested in learning how your current name is impacting your life now, consider a mini Soul Contract Reading to start.
Baby Naming —Perfect for giving babies the perfect name vibration for the best start in life. Also great for a godchild, gifting to a friend or new member to your family.
Divine Healing —Master Keys To Your Ideal Life. Join us in exploring and navigating the levels of our being with Divine Healings —A nonreligious approach to breakthroughs in your life. Peel layers of unsolved issues to uncover a higher state of being. This channeled method of healing is based on the Spiritual Law “ask and you shall receive.” Are you ready to heal deeply, completely, and easily? Become empowered to achieve your dreams. Reconnect to your true essence and tap into your gifts and qualities. Experience more love, joy, fun, and abundance in your life. Feel you are the master of your life. Feel fully alive.
Go to and click Divine Healings for more information.
AstroGem Geomancy Readings
AstroGem Geomancy combines key elements of Astrology, Geomancy, and Gemstones into one Oracle -The Oracle of Heaven & Earth. AstroGem Geomancy is a holistic system of divination that helps you see the whole context of a situation at a glance & give you recommendations on what to do about it. It tells what is going on spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically in your life. It also enables you to see how the current situation is likely to develop. Is it the right time, or am I going against the energies? Learn how to act to receive the results you desire by concentrating your efforts where your uniqueness and abilities can be applied. Tap into the universal flow that will allow you to see more clearly your place in life at the moment.
For more information, please contact Mika at:
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