Rev. Shelley Coons, B.Msc.
Reverend Shelley Coons has been actively involved in the field of Metaphysics and the community for 35 years. She graduated from the University of Metaphysics, where she earned her Bachelor’s Degree in Metaphysical Science and became an Ordained Minister of Metaphysical Science. Her journey of self-discovery began at the age of 14 and led her to develop her abilities in channeling and reading Tarot cards.
At the age of 26, she studied the “Keys of Enoch” and traveled to Egypt, where she worked with an international group of “light body” workers who are considered to be part of the 144,000 ascended masters. As a part of this group, she meditated in the King’s Sarcophagus in the Great Pyramid of Giza, climbed Mount Sinai in the middle of the night to witness the same sunrise as Moses, and walked the path of Jesus Christ’s crucifixion.
Reverend Coons has also studied and channeled star beings from the Pleiades star system, recording her sessions through automatic writing. With over 35 years of experience, she has developed full Tarot Therapy sessions, focusing on helping individuals who have experienced significant suffering.
Currently, Reverend Coons assists individuals and couples in finding peace of mind and discovering their path to enlightenment through her Tarot therapy sessions or her 46-week-long “Spiritual Awakening” Workshops. These workshops emphasize mindful meditation techniques and the exploration of metaphysical science.
She is currently studying and teaching the ancient Shamballa mindful meditation practice, which has been practiced for 2600 years. This practice involves open-eye meditation techniques. Reverend Coons is studying under her teacher Kit Kanohoaloha Wynkoop, who was taught by his teacher’s teacher Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche.
Reverend Coons is a Mystic who has helped countless clients overcome indecisiveness and needless suffering and achieve peace of mind through her Tarot Therapy Sessions. Her passion and calling is to help all who ask.
You can work with or contact Rev. Coons by visiting her website at