Dr. Paul Leon Masters, Founder:
International Metaphysical Ministry
University of Metaphysics
University of Sedona
IMM Lawsuit 2024 – Setting the Record Straight
Filed on December 28, 2017, for alleged Trademark Infringement
Settlement reached on June 10, 2019
Filed on October 14, 2021, for alleged settlement agreement breaches
*Update: August 27, 2024
The United States District Court, Northern District of California, Case No: 21-cv-08066 KAW set the trial date for June 16, 2025, at 9:00 AM in Courtroom TBD. We look forward to proving our claims.
Dear Students, Proud Graduates, Potential Students, and anyone with an interest in our mission,
The greatest joy we have is fostering a community in which each one of us can help ourselves and others grow spiritually and intellectually and find a greater purpose. That mission is Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ legacy, and the administration feels a great responsibility to protect his legacy for future generations.
Unfortunately, over the last few years, protecting Dr. Masters’ life’s work has meant that we have been forced to engage in a lengthy, expensive, and very stressful legal battle with another metaphysical school to protect our name and reputation. Now, instead of staying within the court system and relying on actual evidence, the other school (founded by a person with two degrees from our schools) has decided to argue its case via misinformation on the Internet. The latest statement online is that the Federal court has dismissed the current lawsuit.
This is false, and our litigation is ongoing. View IMM’s latest court filing, Doc. 200 and Exhibits, filed on July 22, 2024. (View PDF-25 Pages)
In light of that misinformation, we feel forced to break our public silence on the lawsuit. At the outset of this statement, it is important to explain two things. While we present facts below, the Court has not yet determined whether those facts are actionable. But the point of this statement is not to prove our case – we will have the opportunity to do that in Court. The point is that the facts below differ from statements others have made on the Internet. Second, and related, we have no interest or need to cast aspersions nor do we want to try this case on the Internet. As we have navigated this difficult time, we have trusted that the legal process would resolve the dispute. And we firmly believe that it will. The judges overseeing the case have ably guided the process and provided each side ample opportunity to make their case. The judge had set a trial for May 2024 but recently moved that date back, and we are currently waiting for a new trial date to be set.
If you were unaware of this lawsuit, it is not because we felt we had done something wrong or had anything to hide. It was our sincere intention to avoid commenting on this situation until we were able to reach a resolution of the dispute, either through a mutually agreeable settlement or by letting the legal process play out through a trial. The reason we have avoided posting on the Internet about the case is because the ultimate decision will be in the hands of our judge and a jury of ordinary citizens. We look forward to presenting the evidence we have accumulated and to put this ordeal behind us.
That said, we cannot sit idly by while others spread misinformation, hurting the reputation of our institutions worldwide and placing not only Dr. Masters’ legacy in jeopardy but also our graduates’ degree credentials. We want to set the record straight and ask for your support (be it positive thoughts or helping us spread the word about our mission). At a fundamental level, the court case is about conducting business and advertising fairly so that both schools can coexist and bring their unique points of view to the students that choose their preferred school – and to ensure the students have access to accurate and truthful information in making their choice.
While we want the legal process to play out so the case reaches its fair resolution, we encourage you to do your own research. A list of the case documents (with numbers assigned to each filing) can be found at (https://dockets.justia.com/docket/california/candce/4:2021cv08066/386583) and (https://unicourt.com/case/pc-db5-international-metaphysical-ministry-inc-v-wisdom-of-the-heart-church-dba-the-university-of-metaphysical-sciences-1049747). Anyone can view these federal court records through PACER, but first, they need to register for a PACER account. Access to the filed documents requires a small subscription fee. You may register for a PACER account here if you want to peruse ALL the court documents and filings.
Importantly, throughout the litigation, there have been statements by others on the Internet that appear contrary to the evidence produced in the case. For example, in Internet posts, the founder of the other school claimed, “it has never run ads using any other school’s name, and [the other school] has never done anything wrong.” However, documents that have been disclosed and publicly filed in the litigation suggest that the other school did knowingly use our names and trademarks in its internet advertising in an effort to direct searches to their school. One of the other school’s key employees even admitted under oath in her deposition that the other school ran advertising online using the keywords “The University of Metaphysics,” “University of Sedona,” and “International Metaphysical Ministry.”
(Deposition of J.P., pp, 87-90.)
The other school’s founder wrote an internal email in August 2020 explicitly setting forth their plan to use our names in their advertising, stating:
[W]e can have Kirstie take their school name off the negative keywords list and run ads on metaphysics university and university of metaphysics, university of metaphysics sedona, univ of sedona etc, ALL the suggested searches, just like they found the keywords for our school name, just look at what good search suggests when you start typing their name in, and LETS RUN ADS FOR [other school] ON THEIR NAME! If they are doing it to us, we can do it to them. In fact, WE would get more out of it because they have more searches for their name. So it would actually work for us!
(August 20, 2020, e-mail from C.B. to J.P.)
To be clear, we were not “doing” anything to this other school – and there has never been any evidence produced showing otherwise. Two months later, the other school’s founder even told her employee to stop using their school’s name as an advertising keyword, and to ONLY use our names:
“[W]e only want to bid on university of metaphysics and university of sedona searches, nothing with our name in it, we have good results with that already.”
(October 22, 2020, e-mail from C.B. to J.P.)
These contradictory statements have been bothersome during the litigation, but IMM continued to wait for the legal process to play out. However, within the last month, the other school has published on multiple websites even more demonstrably false information about the lawsuit—including that it had been dismissed.
Click on the image to enlarge.
Again, this is a demonstrably false statement, likely meant to hurt IMM’s reputation with the public. Regarding the statement by the other school that it would never run ads using IMM’s trademarked names, despite what the other school might claim in its post, you can see for yourself by reviewing the Google ad below. Please be sure to note the search term that was entered on Google’s Search Engine Results Page (box in the top area), the ad headline (contained in the largest box), and the URL that the ad linked to (smaller box within the large box, next to the word “Ad.”)
Google Ad served the following results for the search term International Metaphysical Ministry; International Metaphysical Ministry appears in the header, but please note the URL (next to the word Ad in the red box), which is a direct link to the other school’s website.
Click on the image to enlarge.
These examples above are the exact kind of conduct we are trying to stop with the lawsuit.
In addition, the other school’s founder has claimed in online posts that her school “has NEVER sued anyone or done harm to any other organization or person. It goes against our nature.” But on December 12, 2022, the other school filed a complaint with the Trademark Trial and Appeal Board, asking the Board to cancel our long-held trademark, “University of Metaphysics.”
As you can see, the ongoing legal case is grounded in our trying to protect our names and our reputation so that this community can continue to thrive. As for our goals in this process, we have simply followed our mission of pursuing justice. We feel the best statement that sums up our approach was made under oath by Rev. Michelle Behr, our CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors, during her sworn deposition in the case. A deposition is part of the trial process and is an opportunity for an opposing lawyer to interview a witness. There is no judge or jury—but it is under oath, and a court reporter transcribes everything said. The other school’s lawyer questioned Michelle for seven hours (so forgive any small errors in how she worded things). Toward the end of those seven hours, Michelle was asked by the other school’s lawyer: “Michelle…so, in a perfect world, what do you want to see the result happen in this litigation? What’s the result, in a perfect world, that you want?”
Michelle responded, as transcribed verbatim by the court reporter, as follows:
“The perfect result that I would like is that we operate fairly, that our trademarks never get used, that there is no confusion between campaigns, that we hold that standard that there’s no lines that get crossed so that we can go ahead and — you know, the school – [the other] school provides an important function. We should be able to cohabitate together. We want to cohabitate together. We just do not want to have confusion and ads. We want — we do not want to have anything bad said about us or have people – students contacting me and saying, Michelle, have you seen that page? They’re making comments about University of Metaphysics and getting upset. We want that page taken down.
We want no more — we want no more ads of — in any capacity — no confusion. We want an agreement that we can actually — that can be enforced by the courts this time so that it’s in black and white, and that no — and nobody will cross that line. And we want — and I want to know that I don’t have to worry every five minutes, What’s going on? I want us to be able to move forward and grow our schools.
And, you know, we’ve got a lot of great – [the other school] has a lot of great students that think very highly of their school, which is great. We have got a lot of great students that think very highly of our school. We want to cohabitate together. We each fill a different niche. I don’t want anybody from — to hear anything bad about us in any way, shape, and form, and their page needs to come down. No more ads using our trademark names at all. That’s what I want in a perfect world. So, we can get on — get on with our business and do our programs and take care of our students, because that’s what we care about.”
(Deposition of Michelle Behr, at 142-144.)
Michelle’s answer encapsulated both the goals of the lawsuit and the spirit in which we have conducted the case. Fairness. Integrity. Positivity. Coexistence. We are proud of these goals and think Dr. Masters would be, too.
Despite our attempts to simply enforce the law and a prior agreement that protects our names and marks, the other school and its founder have published misleading and deeply personal attacks on their various websites, accusing us of “hounding” and “attacking” this school, and that we have sued them with “false accusations in order to put [the other school] out of business….” The founder of the other school (again, a former student and graduate of our institutions) even posted on one website that “[t]here is a new strategy these days called predatory litigation where larger companies with more money try to put smaller companies with less money out of business. All it takes is some false allegations, and years of legal fees are next for whoever is the victim of predatory litigation.”
We cannot stress enough that this description of the action we have taken is utterly false. What has been claimed online by others and what is actually happening are two different things. While we have previously remained quiet and tried to leave this matter to the courts, we feel we had to comment based on the obvious influence some statements on the Internet have had on our community and our reputation. We fully understand that there are two sides to every story – and that is why this litigation persists. A trial, while unpleasant, will sort out everyone’s rights and determine how both schools can coexist within the bounds of the law and fair play. In the meantime, our board members and staff involved in managing the lawsuit have had more than their fair share of sleepless nights. This ordeal has been a tremendous strain, both emotionally and financially. Nevertheless, our board members and staff have remained committed to a high level of integrity throughout these years of litigation.
While this lawsuit plays out, we want students to focus on the love and understanding that Dr. Masters spent his life fostering. We plan on putting this behind us and moving on without bitterness or rancor, regardless of the outcome. If you choose to pursue a degree in our community, we are happy to have you and cannot wait to help you on your journey towards a greater consciousness. If your path leads you to another school, we truly hope that you find fulfillment, joy, and love. If your path later leads you to our community and coursework, we will celebrate your entire journey.
If you have questions about the lawsuit, we are happy to say what we can. We can also direct you to the court documents so that you can conduct your own independent research.
Thank you for all the support you have already given the IMM over the years. Our school would not exist without each of you. Again, we tried to avoid involving you in the ongoing litigation. We only write now to address our adversary’s ongoing misinformation campaign, to set the record straight, and to bring the truth to light.
In conclusion, Thank you for taking the time to read our statement. We encourage our prospective students to do their research so they can make a well-informed decision based on what resonates and feels right. The same principles apply here.
If you are interested in supporting us in continuing the legal battle to preserve Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ legacy for generations to come, please contact us.
Board of Directors
International Metaphysical Ministry
University of Metaphysics
University of Sedona
A Personal Message from
Richard (Dick) Caldwell, D.Min., Vice President
When I first heard Dr. Masters in 1994, it changed my life. His message and philosophy influenced me for many years, and I had the benefit of experiencing his teaching.
That philosophy is still available to anyone who wants to fulfill their potential by taking advantage of the International Metaphysical Ministry and the programs offered.
The curriculum for the degrees being presented through our educational divisions, the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona, will help you make a difference not only in your life but also in the lives you will touch in the future. The entire staff is always there as a support system, unlike any that you would receive from other entities.
The International Metaphysical Ministry has been in litigation for many years, with the first filing on December 28, 2017. A settlement was reached on June 10, 2019, which, unfortunately, resulted in the filing of a lawsuit for not upholding the settlement agreement on October 14, 2021. We continue to wage a battle in court to preserve our integrity as an institution and, in turn, to protect and preserve Dr. Masters’ legacy and his teachings. We invite you to read the court documents so that you are fully informed by learning about our efforts to sustain that legacy. We know how hard each of you has worked to earn your degree, and, in turn, you deserve recognition for your dedication to those efforts.
We invite you to go online to learn more about the lawsuit and the issues we have been facing. This suit has been very costly to the University in both financial terms and in terms of mental and physical energy. It has also meant the staff has had to devote precious time to this very important and necessary endeavor.
Throughout this time, our staff has risen to the challenge of remaining positive while overcoming negative forces. While we expect the outcome to be in our favor, the lawsuit has come at a cost to both the IMM treasury and to staff productivity as they work to maintain seamless correspondence with all our wonderful students throughout the world. It is critical to the University of Metaphysics and the University of Sedona that we preserve our integrity as an institution and the legacy of Dr. Masters.
We appreciate your support, whether it is in the way of a financial donation or simply to keep us in your thoughts and positive prayers.
May God, as you understand God, guide you always.
Richard (Dick) Caldwell D.Min., Vice President
A Personal Message from
Constance Patrick, Board Secretary
To Our Graduates and Students,
It is my pleasure to serve on the Board of Directors as Secretary and to work with all the staff and directors who have never failed to perform with the highest level of commitment to honesty, truth, and overall integrity. That being said, I have also seen first-hand how Internet rumors have had an impact on our graduates, students, and staff.
Over the last several years, our Sedona schools have been forced into ongoing litigation by the other metaphysical school’s founder, who is one of our very own former graduates.
We remain as strong and dedicated as our thousands of students and graduates who are reaching communities around the globe with truth, honesty, and a high degree of commitment to integrity.
This year has moved along quickly. As we settle into summer, I encourage all students and graduates to let your prayers encircle all our students, graduates, ministers, staff, schools, and directors with an even stronger commitment to Dr. Masters’ teachings and legacy. I also encourage everyone to continue a strong focus on their studies, sustaining a commitment to integrity in every task they do in any and all work they do, and continue touching others’ lives with spiritual and personal truth.
This year has had its challenges as we’ve all experienced the costs of inflation everywhere we turn. Please continue to keep up with tuition payments and affiliation renewals. And many thanks to those who have sent contributions and even tithing.
In Gratitude,
Constance Patrick, Board Secretary
We can only teach the truth by living the truth from within ourselves.
A Personal Message from
Linda S. Caldwell, Board Director
Dear Students and Graduates:
From the first time my husband, Dr. Dick Caldwell, began attending services with Dr. Paul Leon Masters in Las Vegas in 1995, our lives have been enriched. We have both embraced metaphysical ideals and followed the principles in our daily lives.
When Dick began his studies and was focused on the principles presented by the University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics, those belief systems made us better people and, hopefully, have helped us to enrich the lives of others. We carry the metaphysical system and values into our personal lives.
As president of my Rotary Club here in Victoria, Texas, and as a result of my metaphysical beliefs, the Rotary Four-Way Test has an even deeper meaning. We repeat the Four-Way Test at the end of every Rotary meeting: “Is it the Truth? Is it Fair to all Concerned? Will it Build Goodwill and Better Friendships, and will it be Beneficial to All Concerned?” If our detractors were following the Rotary Four-Way Test, we would not have had to face the challenges we have had to deal with.
The University has also undergone tremendous distractions brought on by the necessary litigation. Yet, under the leadership of Rev. Michelle Behr and her great staff, the organization is much stronger than ever before.
I can attest to the fact that in spirit, Dr. Masters is watching over the University of Sedona and the University of Metaphysics, and his guidance is leading us to an even stronger place. In his words, “Carry On.”
With our Blessings and Gratitude for your Support and Encouragement,
Linda Caldwell, Board Director
To protect and defend Dr. Masters’ legacy. To ensure the continuation, preservation, expansion, and integrity of the founder’s teachings. To offer spirituality to those in search of higher spiritual truth beyond that found in conventional, traditional, fundamentalist, or dogmatic religion while encouraging the individual, metaphysical perspectives of students for creating a diversity of new approaches to spiritual practice and ministry.
To provide affordable education (scholarships) in higher advanced Holistic, New Thought Metaphysics, as well as Transpersonal, Transcendent, and Theocentric Metaphysical forms of spirituality, so graduates from our degree programs are well prepared to teach, counsel, coach, practice spiritual healing or engage in whatever their chosen metaphysical specialty may be.
To conduct further research into the nature and source of consciousness for discovering the spiritual mysteries of life and how such knowledge may be practically applied to the improvement of human life, both individually and collectively.
Please take a few moments to view this joyful and uplifting video collage to realize what’s at stake and understand the ongoing, intense effort to protect and preserve Dr. Masters’ legacy, our students and graduates’ degree credentials, and the continuation and preservation of our Universities. This deep commitment to the cause has a pivotal role, especially during these times, in helping contribute to the betterment of humanity and global consciousness.
Make a DonationWe value and appreciate your support.