Dr. Nathalie Turgeon Ph.D.

Metaphysical Practitioner
Life Coaching • Spiritual Coaching
Embodying her life mission
Dr. Nathalie fully embodied her life mission when she decided to self-publish her first workbook in 2016. With no professional writing experience, she only knew that she had to start embodying her life mission in a different way. Believing in herself. Trusting herself and trusting the process. She always knew that writing and teaching was her passion.
It is when she clearly understood her personal life mission that she jumped without a net, or rather with only a divine net as her only net, in order to embody it by aligning herself with the one she knew she could become, and this, despite a more or less clear action plan veiled by her ego-based mind.
Through gratitude and through her personal trials and personal life lessons, which allowed her to become an expert in the art of remaining herself and of expressing her pleasure and her unconditional Love, she learned to develop an unconditional Gratitude Attitude and maintain it despite any current situations. It is this teaching method that she created with her Inner Self, which she received like a download when it was time to prepare the content of a workshop, and she started sharing how she had achieved this unconditional Gratitude Attitude. She then brought it into an asynchronous online program and also as a book form. She also made gratitude the topic of her dissertation for her doctorate in philosophy, specializing in metaphysical counseling entitled: “Gratitude as a Spiritual Mind Treatment for Mental Health.”
While many get a doctorate degree and start working on their new career choice, she has already been enjoying metaphysics for more than twenty years before earning her Ph.D. through the University of Sedona. (Dr. Nathalie also holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree from the University of Metaphysics.) Through her parallel career path as a Global Health Therapist while keeping one foot in the business office world, she fully enjoyed the one link she followed was the energy field from her working experience as a Naturopath combined with a Massage therapist practice, which inspired her to learn and become a Reiki Master while enjoying mystic fun practices like numerology and card readings and geomancy, it is once she became a Reiki Master that things started to unfold with a faster speed connecting all the dots, hence the importance of following inspirations even when we do not yet see the interconnection.
Her unconditional Gratitude Attitude would not have been possible without a personal Inner connection through lots of meditation and Inner work over many decades. While she was not teaching meditation per se, Dr. Nathalie did her master’s thesis on meditation: “Reaching the summit of consciousness through meditation like Great Masters and prophets did.” She also self-published a Oneness affirmations book titled “Self-realization Food for Thoughts“; 21 verses of powerful Oneness affirmations co-written with her Self that she was inspired to share.
Dr. Nathalie likes to learn and simplify things so that the ego-based mind does not interfere too much when learning different concepts or when the time comes to demystify the ego, and because one of her dreams is to allow everyone to have access to spiritual or metaphysical development and personal development information regardless of their budget and preferred method, she follows her inspirations by creating content to help people on their mindfulness journey by helping them from awareness to awakening, to then move from their awakening to reality allowing them to continue from an attitude of gratitude to Unity— to this interconnectivity and harmony with the Universe and the primary Source of the Universe.
Her teachings make it possible to understand that it is all a matter of understanding your ego so that you can lift up the ego veils, see from your Soul to choose your ego-identity aligned with your desires and have an unconditional gratitude attitude. Through her personal experiences, she walked the talk and became an ego-based mind expert.
While she is having fun creating online content and books and workbooks for her personal development and spiritual well-being series, she continues to learn year after year by being herself on the front line in what she teaches. Her integrity comes from teaching only what she has learned to master herself in order to create a real personal and collective impact.
Her blog, Breathe In Love Out, containing over 400+ articles is still available to help you bridge your knowledge and awakening at breatheinloveout.ca.
The tagline that she received as not only a download but also as her teaching to help you with is…
Breathe in, let go of your ego-based mind thoughts and vision, see from your Soul, and Love Out!
For more information, please contact Nathalie at:
Websites: www.breatheinloveoutcenter.com