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Final Step: Payments Options
The Current Scholarship Tuition Rates are Available to
All Enrolling Students
Doctoral Program Scholarship Payment Options
Scroll down to View Electronic or Hard-Copy study materials tuition options.
Note: Hard-copy study materials also include Electronic study materials
Note: During February, we will increase all our scholarship tuition prices, which have remained unchanged for twenty-six years. If you are considering enrolling, we suggest you do so now to take advantage of our current scholarship tuition plan options before the increases take effect.
Tuition Options for Electronic Study Material
All students receive electronic study material.
On-a-Budget Payment
- $1,290 total
- $90 down payment
- + $25 for 48 months
Quick Payment
- $1,290 total
- $290 down payment
- + $50 for 20 months
Pay within 3 Months
- $990 total
- $330 down payment
- + $330 for 2 months
Prepay in Full
- $990 total
- One time payment
- Total savings $300
Tuition Options Including Hard-Copy Study Materials Within the US
Tuition Options Including Hard-Copy Study Materials Outside the US
Doctoral Program Tuition Options without a Scholarship