Rev. Dr. Michael Evans, D.Th.
Rev. Dr. Michael Evans, D.Th. has his Bachelor’s of Metaphysics degree through the University Of Metaphysics and a Doctorate in Theology from the University of Sedona. Dr. Evans’ practice in assisting people in their Understanding and letting go of the resistance about who they truly are and how they believe others are keeping them from achieving personal and professional goals has been at the forefront of his work. Dr. Evans founded Brilliant Creators, his practice in sharing with other co-creators, the divinity within themselves.
“When you show up with appreciation for every moment, the moments of appreciation continue to show up for you. And those moments will inspire new and more exciting moments and so on and so forth. The enthusiastic moments that show up for you as a result of you showing up for yourselves is proportionate to the good thoughts you keep focusing on. – Dr. Michael Evans”
Dr. Evans’ greatest pleasure is to work with individuals to identify fear driven behaviors and shift feelings that set people free from what is not working in their lives. In his endeavors to understand more about what this life means, Dr. Evans continues his studies in sharing the understanding of spirituality throughout the world and of the many attributes and relations to the universe where God, a Supreme Being, Spirit, or what divinity may mean to you, are concerned. As a Theologian, the continued study of angels has been front and center in his life. As a Metaphysicist, researching and clarifying the fundamental notions by which people understand the world and how they react to it continues to amaze him. Dr. Evans conducts pastoral counseling and hosts spiritual readings and workshops where he uses clairsentient, clairvoyant, claircognizant, and clairaudient senses to assist you.
Dr. Evans holds workshops in Las Cruces, NM in a broad range of ideologies utilizing various spiritual tools to assist participants in getting in touch with themselves. From Law of Attraction and the Art of Allowing and Angel Therapy Practitioner methodologies to The Human Condition and Grief Recovery Coaching. Dr. Evans’ emphasis is on assisting people in feeling their best as much as possible, in however that looks and feels for each individual.
Rev. Dr. Michael Evans, D.Th. website Brilliant Creators may be accessed at:
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