Rev. Dr. Sakina Geraldine Sawtelle, Msc.D., PsyThD.
Rev. Dr. Sakina Geraldine Sawtelle, Msc.D., PsyThD. is a teacher, dancer, minister, chaplain, and wellness consultant. She has degrees in Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education. She has a Doctorate in Metaphysical Science and Theocentric Psychology, PsyThD. through the Theocentric Life Division of the University of Sedona.
Sakina has taught and performed professionally in Pennsylvania, Ohio, New York, Nevada, and Virginia. She has studied with many dance masters, Sufi, and Native American teachers and has found their philosophies to be beneficial and meaningful in her life.
At the age of eleven Sakina went to Italy. There she met Pope John the XXIII at his summer home and had an unusual experience that opened her heart and mind to the “Metaphysical Path” and its principles. As these principles unfolded she applied them to her life experiences and, through trial and error, she learned how to use them.
Sakina continues to use these principles as she is guided and incorporates them into her teaching of dance and music. She shares the principles of metaphysics with her clients who come to her for Spiritual Counseling and to couples preparing for Marriage.
Believing each of us is a “thread” in the “tapestry of life,” Dr. Sakina weaves her “medicine of Light and Love” into all she does, aiding her students and clients in their process of self-discovery.
Dr. Sakina is the owner and artistic director of Sawtelle School of Performing Arts and Awareness where she offers classes in dance, piano, guitar, and hand drumming.
She is also the facilator and minister of the Central Virginia Metaphysical Center offering Spiritual Counseling, Energy Balancing, and Wellness Consultations. As a minister, Rev. Sakina performs House Blessings, Marriage Ceremonies, Children Dedications, and Memorial Services.
Sakina is an active member of VAHPERD (Virginia Association of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance), the Sufi Healing Order, and IMM (International Metaphysical Ministry).
She resides in Buckingham, Virginia. She is available for lectures and workshops. Her motto “Healing With Heart…Living Stress Free” has developed into a popular workshop.
Rev. Dr. Sakina Sawtelle, Msc.D., PsyThD. may be contacted at You may also call her at 434-969-2951 or 434-390-2671.