Rev. Rich L. Kemp, B. Msc.
RLKemp presently exists in this earthly form to positively represent and to represent the Infinite, Unconditional, Love of Spirit for all.
Originally from the heavens, when asked by INFINITE LOVE where he would prefer to enter the earth realm, RLKemp choice was Nassau, the capital city in the beautiful Bahamas.
Internationally respected and universally loved RLKemp is a divinely anointed Trans-denominational, Transformation and Empowerment Truth Teacher.
Well-known and highly respected Master Spiritual Strategist, RLKemp is truly “A Gift That Lifts!”
His positive, power-filled, provocative, and practical Truth Teaching presentations and Confidential Consciou Conversation Sessions uplift and empowers his audience to “Get Off Their Behind” and use their MIND to believe, think, feel and see themselves being, doing, and having all of the good that they wish to be, to be, and to have, right here and right NOW.
A graduate of the University of Sedona, Reverend Rich’s ministry transcends all nations and denominations and crosses all cultures, creeds, and colors. He has served as Senior Pastor, Conference Speaker, Teacher, Minister, and Spiritual Counselor to many from all walks of life.
Master Empowerment Specialist Minister, RLKemp, is available for speaking engagements at your next gathering.
Chaplain RLKemp is Florid’s foremost wedding officiant and is in high demand as a wedding minister, life coach, and spiritual strategist.
For more information, please contact Rev. RLKemp at:
Phone: 702-577-6777