Rev. Roger N. Quevillon, M.Msc.
Roger N Quevillon is CEO of his company Your Beautiful Mind. His life mission is to empower and motivate people to enhance their unconscious thinking – elevating their performances – by choosing – listening and transforming with simple effective high quality digital technology.
It all started in 1992 when Roger listened to 2 cassettes which had music and affirmations to boost his confidence and self-esteem.
Roger joined Toastmasters International where he raised his confidence while learning his skills to deliver excellent presentations and conferences. Later, he became Union President for the United Steel Workers of America where he eventually became Local Chairman and represented members in 5 cities. He continued to show leadership by taking on the role of facilitator and taught anti-harassment courses to members and management.
Today, Roger is a speaker and a best-selling author in the book “Wake Up Live The Life You Love – Living in Clarity” with Dr Wayne Dyer and Anthony Robbins. His latest eBook is called “Thinking is Everything”.
He‘s an inspirational visionary, an ordained minister, a spiritual life coach, husband, grandfather of 6 grand-kids and a hockey player. As he says: “We still got to have some fun!” Roger has a Master of Metaphysical Science degree and works as a practitioner. He specializes in the conscious/subconscious mind and human behavior.
Roger personalizes Mp3s to enhance people’s performances and healings. In his years of studying and hands on experience, he sees a common thread as to why some people are healthy and others unhealthy – successful or not – and why some adapt to change while others resist.
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