Dr. La’Nee Meon Jackson
Metaphysical Psychology Mpsy.D.

Dr. La’Nee Meon Jackson started spiritual awakening prior to Covid without any prior knowledge of spirituality and New Thought. She grew up with the ability to be able to use her God-given gifts of Claircognizance without any given information prior from peers and being able to pick up on the overall energy of those on this physical plane and the other side; she was able to give them answers on their toughest life challenges while helping others to find closure from loved ones on the other side.
When La’Nee turned 22 and COVID-19 arose, she experienced an ascension that led her to the University of Sedona. She studied intentionally with one objective: to help evolve humanity and heal those in need while being the middle woman in God’s work. In 2023, her mother was diagnosed with end-stage renal kidney failure.
La’Nee then began using everything she had been taught through the University of Sedona and her research throughout the years to heal her mother of kidney failure. Her mother’s kidney function went from 27% percent to 54% in four months. With such initiation to start her path to healing, La’Nee has developed the ability to heal others through spiritual mind treatments and show them the way home to reclaim the magick they may have lost along the way.
Dr. La’Nee Meon Jackson takes pride in being able to use her God-given modalities in multiple ways to help humanity. She has practiced tarot, oracle cards, and mediumship, and her ultimate gift has been the ability to heal those who require cleansing and clearing of limitations and any illness that has been placed upon each individual through negative belief systems. Dr. Jackson holds a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Metaphysical Science from the University of Metaphysics and a Doctor of Metaphysical Psychology, Mpsy.D., from the University of Sedona.
For more information, please contact La’Nee Meon at:
Website: www.laneeheals.com
Email: laneejackson123@gmail.com
Phone: 818-339-6654